

ANATD 0500: Human Gross Anatomy and Embryology

Credits 5.0

This course presents lectures and cadaver dissection laboratories emphasizing the normal structure of the human body; the embryologic basis of adult anatomy; the relationship between structure and function; and the use of human gross anatomy in physical diagnosis.

ANATD 0503: Human Anatomy

Credits 4.0
This course provides fundamental knowledge of normal human structure and function. The emerging theme will be the interrelationships between anatomical structures and functional capabilities. During this course, basic components including tissues, muscles, nerves, bones and joints will be covered. The major organ and musculoskeletal systems will be highlighted in both lecture and laboratory formats.

ANATD 0520: Human Neuroscience

Credits 3.0
In this course students learn to identify and describe the basic structural components and corresponding functions of the human nervous system. Lectures are given by faculty from the Department of Anatomy.

ANATD 0565: Human Neurosciences

Credits 3.0

This is an integrated, interdisciplinary course in which students learn to identify and describe the basic structural components and corresponding functions of the human nervous system. Emphasis is given to correlating underlying lesions involving these structures with neurologic deficits and dysfunctions likely to be encountered in clinical practice. Integrated lectures are given by faculty in the Departments of Anatomy and Physiology, and the Speech Language Pathology Program.

ANATD 0945: Human Anatomy

Credits 4.0
This course provides fundamental knowledge of normal human structure and function. The emerging theme will be the interrelationships between anatomical structures and functional capabilities. During this course, basic components including tissues, muscles, nerves, bones and joints will be covered. The major organ and musculoskeletal systems will be highlighted in both lecture and laboratory formats.

ANATD 0955: Human Neuroscience

Credits 3.0
In this course students learn to identify and describe the basic structural components and corresponding functions of the human nervous system. Lectures are given by faculty from the Department of Anatomy.

ANATD 1500: Human Gross Anatomy

Credits 5.0
This course consists of lectures, laboratory, and workshop sessions that emphasize the structure of the human body, the relationship between body structure and function, the clinical application of anatomical knowledge, and the use of human gross anatomy in physical diagnosis.

ANATD 1504: Gross Anatomy

Credits 3.5
This course provides fundamental knowledge of normal human structure and function through lectures and guided laboratory activities. Students are given an overview of the entire human body, with an emphasis on head and neck anatomy in the laboratory activities. Three-dimensional relationships on head and neck structures are reinforced by reviewing prosected cadaver specimens, images, and models.

ANATD 1521: Neuroscience

Credits 6.0
This is an integrated, interdisciplinary course in which the students learn to identify and describe the structural components and corresponding functions of the human nervous system. Emphasis is given to correlating underlying lesions involving these structures with neurologic deficits and dysfunctions likely to be encountered in clinical practice. Integrated lectures are given by faculty in the departments of Anatomy, Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology, and Family Medicine.

ANATD 1554: Medical Anatomy I

Credits 5.5

This is the first course in a two-course sequence that presents the macro- and microscopic structure and function of the human body in a blend of regional and systemic approaches. The courses also incorporate embryological development and the developmental basis of major congenital anomalies. Students will learn to apply anatomical knowledge to clinical practice through traditional lectures and dissections of anatomical donors combined with innovative workshops incorporating augmented reality, ultrasound imaging, and digital microscopy of human tissues. Medical Anatomy I covers the morphological characteristics of the four tissue types, the gross anatomy of the back, upper limb, thorax and abdomen, and the embryological development and microscopic morphology of corresponding and relevant organ systems and structures.

ANATD 1555: Medical Anatomy II

Credits 4.0

This course is a sequel to ANATD 1554 that presents the macro- and microscopic structure and function of the human body in a blend of regional and systemic approaches. The courses also incorporate embryological development and the developmental basis of major congenital anomalies. Students will continue to apply anatomical knowledge to clinical practice through traditional lectures and dissections of anatomical donors combined with innovative workshops incorporating augmented reality, ultrasound imaging, and digital microscopy of human tissues. Medical Anatomy II covers the gross anatomy of the pelvis, perineum, lower limb, head and neck, plus the embryological development and microscopic morphology of corresponding and relevant organ systems and structures.