Graduation Requirements for the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Program

The degree Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) is conferred upon candidates of good moral character who have completed all academic requirements, satisfied all financial obligations, and completed all graduation requirements. All graduating students are required to attend the commencement for conferral of the degree, unless excused by the Dean.

Candidates for graduation must exhibit good moral behavior consistent with the requirements of the pharmacy profession and CPDG faculty. It is the position of the faculty that anyone who uses, possesses, distributes, sells, or is under the influence of narcotics, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances, or who abuses alcohol or is involved in any conduct involving moral turpitude, and fails to meet the ethical and moral requirements of the profession, may be dismissed from the program or denied the awarding of the Pharm.D. degree.

To qualify for graduation, a student must have satisfied the following requirements: 

  1. Successfully completed a minimum of 84 quarter credit hours or 60 semester credit hours of prerequisite coursework, as stipulated for admission to the program;
  2. Successfully completed the 203 quarter credit hours of the professional and experiential program approved by the CPDG faculty and Dean;
  3. Attained a cumulative grade point average of 2.000 for all requisite professional and experiential coursework at the College;
  4. Achieved a cumulative Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience grade point average of 2.000 or greater;
  5. Repeated, upon approval, and earned a passing grade for any required courses in the professional program for which a grade of "F" has been issued;
  6. Successfully completed, at a minimum, the last four didactic quarters and all Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences at CPDG;
  7. Been recommended for the degree by a majority vote of the Student Promotion and Graduation Committee;
  8. Settled all financial accounts with the University;
  9. Completed all graduation clearance requirements as instructed by the Office of the Registrar.