Patient Assessment


PASSD 0503: Clinical Medicine III

Credits 7.0

A systems-oriented approach will introduce common diseases and syndromes across the life-span, their underlying pathophysiology (including symptoms and signs), patient evaluation (history, physical examination, and diagnostic studies), differential diagnosis, and basic therapeutic concepts. Acute exacerbations of chronic diseases and emergency care will be integrated as appropriate. Formal lectures, interactive case-based lectures and case group discussion techniques will be utilized.

PASSD 0504: Clinical Medicine IV

Credits 6.0
A systems-oriented approach will introduce common diseases and syndromes across the life-span, their underlying pathophysiology (including symptoms and signs), patient evaluation (history, physical examination, and diagnostic studies), differential diagnosis, and basic therapeutic concepts. Acute exacerbations of chronic diseases and emergency care will be integrated as appropriate. Formal lectures, interactive case-based lectures and case group discussion techniques will be utilized.

PASSD 0511: Professional Seminar I

Credits 1.0
This course presents and discusses the clinical practice, role, and responsibilities of physician assistants. Professional behavior, cultural and social awareness, basic concepts for quality healthcare delivery and the future of the physician assistant profession will be discussed. The interaction of healthcare providers within various clinical settings will also be examined.

PASSD 0512: Professional Seminar II

Credits 2.0
This course expands on the professional role of the physician assistant. Ethical issues that arise during the provision of healthcare services will be discussed. In addition, medicolegal aspects of healthcare and preparation for clinical practice will be reviewed.

PASSD 0518: Clinical Medicine I

Credits 5.0
Medical interviewing skills will be introduced through formal lectures and developed through standardized patient interviews. The skills, knowledge, and sensitivity needed to communicate and improve patient rapport in a variety of psychosocial situations will be discussed. A systems-oriented approach will introduce common diseases across the life-span, their underlying pathophysiology (including symptoms and signs), patient evaluation (history, physical examination and diagnostic studies), differential diagnosis, and basic therapeutic concepts.

PASSD 0519: Clinical Medicine II

Credits 5.0
A systems-oriented approach will introduce common diseases and syndromes across the life-span, their underlying pathophysiology (including symptoms and signs), patient evaluation (history, physical examination, and diagnostic studies), differential diagnosis, and basic therapeutic concepts. Acute exacerbations of chronic diseases and emergency care will be integrated as appropriate. Formal lectures and interactive case-based lecture techniques will be utilized.

PASSD 0521: Introduction to Capstone Project

Credits 1.0
This course is designed to help the student create the conceptual framework and medical literature review that will lead to the development of the Capstone Project. Students will research a medical topic of interest to them and begin to develop the foundation needed for developing their Capstone Project.

PASSD 0528: Advanced Patient Assessment and Management

Credits 2.0
This course is designed to allow the physician assistant student to obtain the knowledge and skills required to assess a patient's medical and health status as part of the focused adult history and problem-oriented physical examination. Students will also develop patient-management skills by ordering and interpreting laboratory and diagnostic studies and appropriate therapeutics. The course is designed to build upon the medical history knowledge gained in Clinical Medicine I and the screening adult physical exam skills learned in Physical Diagnosis.

PASSD 0529: Research Seminar

Credits 3.0
This course is designed to provide an overview of the scientific method including quantitative and qualitative analyses, research techniques and research design methods. Elementary statistical techniques will be reviewed including an introduction to probability, measurement theory, correlation, regression analysis, sampling, significance tests and statistical inference. Active learning opportunities to foster the development of skills to implement evidence-based medicine principles in Physician Assistant practice will be utilized.

PASSD 0564: Physical Diagnosis

Credits 3.0
Physical examination techniques will be introduced during formal lectures and practiced during partner-paired laboratory sessions in this course. Normal physical findings and examination techniques will be emphasized. Common normal variants and classic physical abnormalities will be introduced and discussed. Lectures, laboratory sessions, and interactive case-based lecture techniques will be employed.

PASSD 0671: Independent Study in Capstone Project I (fall quarter)

Credits 0.5

This course is designed to facilitate the completion of an independent medical research project as the culmination of the master's degree for the physician assistant student. The project entails scholarly inquiry into a clinical medicine topic and application of evidence-based medicine techniques to facilitate completion of the required components of the Capstone Project.

PASSD 0672: Independent Study in Capstone Project II (winter quarter)

Credits 0.5
This course is designed to facilitate the completion of an independent medical research project as the culmination of the master's degree for the physician assistant student. The project entails scholarly inquiry into a clinical medicine topic and application of evidence-based medicine techniques to facilitate completion of the required components of the Capstone Project.

PASSD 0674: Independent Study in Capstone Project III (spring quarter)

Credits 1.0
This course is designed to facilitate the completion of an independent medical research project as the culmination of the master's degree for the physician assistant student. The project entails scholarly inquiry into a clinical medicine topic and application of evidence-based medicine techniques to facilitate completion of the required components of the Capstone Project.

PASSD 0681: Advanced Clinical Medicine I (summer quarter)

Credits 3.0

This course is designed to build upon the student's foundation of clinical medicine knowledge and to prepare the student to begin clinical year rotations. Lectures will provide advanced information and instruction covering a range of medical topics including interpretation of electrocardiograms, and topics that will facilitate the student's continuing development of knowledge and therapeutic skills in patient assessment, medical decision-making, and clinical management.

PASSD 0682: Advanced Clinical Medicine II (winter quarter)

Credits 3.0
This course is designed to build upon the student's foundation of clinical medicine knowledge and to continue to develop critical thinking and medical decision making skills. Lectures will provide advanced information and instruction covering a range of medical topics.

PASSD 0775: Independent Study in Capstone Project IV

Credits 1.0
This course is designed to facilitate the completion of an independent medical research project as the culmination of the master's degree for the physician assistant student. The project entails scholarly inquiry into a clinical medicine topic and application of evidence-based medicine techniques to facilitate completion of the required components of the Capstone Project.

PASSD 0783: Advanced Clinical Medicine III

Credits 4.0

This course is designed to focus on professional issues in preparation for graduation and clinical practice. In addition, students will receive an intensive week of lecture topics to help them prepare for the Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination (PANCE).