PTHED 1704 : Scholarly Development in Physical Therapy III

Physical Therapy Program
Credits 1.0

Scholarly Development in Physical Therapy III is the second course in a two-part scholarly development sequence that begins with the identification and completion of a scholarly project. The scholarly project may be an experimental design research project, a systematic review, an advanced case report, or a regular case report. The second course in this sequence, Scholarly Development in Physical Therapy III, will focus on preparation and dissemination of scholarly products related to the project, mainly an evidence-based, detailed and publishable quality manuscript and an oral presentation similar to a research presentation given at a professional conference.

In this course, students will complete the final, publishable quality manuscript for the experimental design project, systematic review or case report (advanced and regular) with the assistance of the faculty advisor who will edit and advise the student(s).  In addition, students will develop a professional-level oral presentation and deliver the presentation to the PT Program faculty and their peers.

The teaching and evaluation methods used in this course include independent study, written manuscript for case report, systematic review or experimental design project, an oral presentation, and self and peer assessment of the oral presentation.

Semester Offered