Clinical Integration


CLIND 1430: Research Design, Methods and Approaches

Credits 1.0
The focus of this course is to provide students with general research methodology training. Students will learn how to evaluate the medical literature, develop research questions, test hypothesis, and identify appropriate statistical analysis. Students will complete CITI training required for work and research in clinical setting. They will also learn federal and ethical regulations for protecting human research participants. This course is completed online and is self-paced.

CLIND 1502: Foundations of Osteopathic Clinical Practice

Credits 1.0
Foundations of Osteopathic Clinical Practice is a course for first year students that focuses on their professional development. The topics selected are designed to prepare the student for clinical rotations and clinical practice. They include medical terminology, biomedical statistics, and basic research techniques. In addition, topics such as physician wellness and cultural awareness are discussed in order to promote physician self-knowledge and communication skills. An introduction to population health and the medical education system is also provided to familiarize students with the healthcare system.

CLIND 1503: Behavioral Health Assessment

Credits 2.0
This course introduces psychopathology with descriptive, dynamic and behavioral analyses of typical Behavioral Health syndromes. Emphasis is etiology, assessment and indications for referral. The use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as the major diagnostic reference is presented.

CLIND 1552: Patient Symptom Presentations I

Credits 3.0
This clinically-based course introduces first year osteopathic medical students to the basic skills and techniques associated with conducting a comprehensive history and physical examination. Case/symptom introductions set the stage for in-depth discussion that integrates the knowledge gained from the basic science and osteopathic medicine courses. Topics progress from the basic diagnostic process to the cardiovascular exam. Each week's presentation includes communication, interviewing techniques, data collection methods, basic laboratory and diagnostic interpretation to assist the student in the development of medical lexicon. The unique interactive format of this course fosters critical thinking, thereby encouraging students to "think like a doctor."

CLIND 1553: Patient Symptom Presentations II

Credits 1.5
Building upon the foundation of CLIND 1552 and following the same format, this course includes topics such as head, eyes, ears, nose, throat (HEENT), upper and lower extremity musculoskeletal exam, and growth and development.

CLIND 1554: Patient Symptom Presentations III

Credits 2.0
The final course in the Patient Symptom Presentations series continues to mirror the clinical experience. Complex topics include the wellness encounter for different patient populations and concludes with "Putting It All Together."

CLIND 1562: Physical Exam Skills I

Credits 1.0
The Fall Quarter of PES introduces osteopathic medical students to taking a history (utilizing standardized patients), obtaining a review of systems, approaching a differential diagnosis and conducting a normal physical examination (including diagnostic imaging).

CLIND 1563: Physical Exam Skills II

Credits 0.5
The Winter Quarter of PES builds upon the Fall Quarter with regards to the normal physical examination to include diagnostic imaging and history taking. Students are introduced to clinical medicine through the ECCP experience in Winter Quarter. Students also complete a history OSCE. At the completion of Winter Quarter, students will be prepared to perform a complete "head to toe" physical examination.

CLIND 1564: Physical Exam Skills III

Credits 0.5
The Spring Quarter of PES takes osteopathic medical students through specialty examinations, such as the pediatric and geriatric exams. Students also complete a physical exam OSCE, and a second ECCP experience.

CLIND 1603: Mental Illness and Treatments

Credits 1.5
This course focuses on major psychiatric issues and mental health problems individuals often confront such as substance abuse, addiction, cognitive disorders, bereavement, mental retardation, developmental disorders and psychiatric factors associated with medical conditions. The course emphasizes pharmacological therapies as well as clinical issues associated with psychiatric practice.

CLIND 1652: Clinical Symptom Integration I

Credits 7.0
The Fall course of CSI is taught in the second year and builds upon, and reinforces, content taught in the first-year classes with a focus on abnormal findings. Topics include toxicology, endocrinology, ENT, pulmonology, neurology and rheumatology. Within this class, students will be guided to a higher level of clinical thinking. Presentations from physicians representing a variety of clinical fields incorporate prior academic subject material and build upon it with a clinical focus. This class will incorporate real-world patient management techniques and skills critical for a smooth transition from student to clinician.

CLIND 1653: Clinical Symptom Integration II

Credits 5.0
The Winter course of CSI is taught in the second year that builds upon, and reinforces, content taught in the first-year classes with a focus on abnormal findings. Included topics include gastroenterology, psychiatry, OB/Gyne, and cardiology. Within this class, students will be guided to a higher level of clinical thinking. Presentations from physicians representing a variety of clinical fields incorporate prior academic subject material and build upon it with a clinical focus. This class will incorporate real-world patient management techniques and skills critical for a smooth transition from student to clinician.

CLIND 1654: Clinical Symptom Integration III

Credits 3.5
The Spring course of CSI is taught in the second year that builds upon, and reinforces, content taught in the first-year classes with a focus on abnormal findings. Included topics include urology, hematology, oncology, and population health. Within this class, students will be guided to a higher level of clinical thinking. Presentations from physicians representing a variety of clinical fields incorporate prior academic subject material and build upon it with a clinical focus. This class will incorporate real-world patient management techniques and skills critical for a smooth transition from student to clinician.

CLIND 1662: Simulated Patient Care I

Credits 2.0
The Fall course of Simulated Patient Care reinforces basic science education and clinical skills learned in the first year and builds up clinical reasoning and interpretation. Students develop note writing, critical thinking and presentation skills. The ability to read radiographic images, interpret lab tests and perform procedures related to emergent care is practiced.

CLIND 1663: Simulated Patient Care II

Credits 1.0
The Winter course of Simulated Patient Care will reinforce and build upon first year content as well as content presented in CLIND 1652, with cardiac- and abdominal- focused clinical skills, including imaging, EKG, ultrasound, airway management and phlebotomy. Additionally, students will practice clinical reasoning in patients who are poor historians.

CLIND 1664: Simulated Patient Care III

Credits 1.0
The Spring course of Simulated Patient Care will reinforce and build upon first year content as well as content presented in CLIND 1662 and CLIND 1663, with a focus on developing patient case history skills to a group, basic surgical skills, and techniques for evaluating pediatric patients.

CLIND 1702: Clinical Skills Assessment/EPA I

Credits 1.0

Clinical Skills Assessment I is a course offered during the third year and is the first course to assess the 13 core Entrustable Professional Activities. It is designed to evaluate the clinical skills including history taking, physical examination, and developing a diagnosis and treatment plan. Student's written documentation and oral presentation skills are also assessed. The assessment consists of eight Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) utilizing standardized patients. Students are provided with review materials (readings, videos, checklists) to help them prepare. These clinical skills are part of the core Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) medical students and residents must master to provide safe patient care.

CLIND 1710: Directed Study

Credits 6.0
Remedial Course for COMLEX-USA Exam Retakes Directed Study is a mandatory Pass/Fail four-week course which affords a student time for focused study to prepare to retake the COMLEX-USA Level 1 or Level 2 CE exam following a failure. A student is enrolled in Directed Study upon the recommendation of a representative of the Office of the Dean and/or the Promotions Committee. At the initiation of the course, the student is required to meet with a representative of the Office of the Dean to review their study strategy. A faculty COMCoach is assigned to work with the student for the duration of the Directed Study period. The student is expected to communicate with their COMCoach on a weekly basis to establish a study plan and then to assess progress so alterations to the approach can be made if necessary. Completion of a timed COMSAE examination is a course requirement. Enrollment in Directed Study does not contribute to the minimum number of Elective Rotation weeks required for graduation, nor does it replace any other graduation requirement.

CLIND 1710A: Directed Study

Credits 6.0
Remedial Course for COMLEX-USA Exam Retakes Directed Study is a mandatory Pass/Fail four-week course which affords a student time for focused study to prepare to retake the COMLEX-USA Level 1 or Level 2 CE exam following a failure. A student is enrolled in Directed Study upon the recommendation of a representative of the Office of the Dean and/or the Promotions Committee. At the initiation of the course, the student is required to meet with a representative of the Office of the Dean to review their study strategy. A faculty COMCoach is assigned to work with the student for the duration of the Directed Study period. The student is expected to communicate with their COMCoach on a weekly basis to establish a study plan and then to assess progress so alterations to the approach can be made if necessary. Completion of a timed COMSAE examination is a course requirement. Enrollment in Directed Study does not contribute to the minimum number of Elective Rotation weeks required for graduation, nor does it replace any other graduation requirement.

CLIND 1803: Clinical Skills Assessment/EPA II

Credits 1.0

Clinical Skills (EPA) Assessment 2 continues to assess students as they progress to attaining proficiency in the 13 core Entrustable Professional Activities and is offered in the fourth year. This course concentrates on the student's ability to perform basic procedural skills and obtain informed consent. Procedural skills that may be assessed under direct observation include Foley catheter, IV and nasogastric (NG) tube insertion and bag-valve mask ventilation.  These procedures are performed in a simulation environment. Students are provided checklists and videos to help them prepare for this course. 

CLIND 1804: Clinical Skills Assessment/EPA III

Credits 1.0

This course will focus on interpretation of laboratory test results, EKGs, and diagnostic imaging. Review will take place through online modules, textbooks, and assigned readings.Students will be assessed using a computer-administered written exam. In addition, all fourth-year students will complete recertification of Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Basic Life Support.

CLIND 1805: Clinical Skills Assessment/EPA IV

Credits 1.0

Clinical Skills Assessment/EPA IV will focus on assessing patient transition of care skills such as writing patient admission orders and giving/receiving patient handoff. Students will also be assessed for the ability to collaborate as part of a patient care team.

CLIND 1810: Directed Study

Credits 6.0
Remedial Course for COMLEX-USA Exam Retakes Directed Study is a mandatory Pass/Fail four-week course which affords a student time for focused study to prepare to retake the COMLEX-USA Level 1 or Level 2 CE exam following a failure. A student is enrolled in Directed Study upon the recommendation of a representative of the Office of the Dean and/or the Promotions Committee. At the initiation of the course, the student is required to meet with a representative of the Office of the Dean to review their study strategy. A faculty COMCoach is assigned to work with the student for the duration of the Directed Study period. The student is expected to communicate with their COMCoach on a weekly basis to establish a study plan and then to assess progress so alterations to the approach can be made if necessary. Completion of a timed COMSAE examination is a course requirement. Enrollment in Directed Study does not contribute to the minimum number of Elective Rotation weeks required for graduation, nor does it replace any other graduation requirement.

CLIND 1810A: Directed Study

Credits 6.0
Remedial Course for COMLEX-USA Exam Retakes Directed Study is a mandatory Pass/Fail four-week course which affords a student time for focused study to prepare to retake the COMLEX-USA Level 1 or Level 2 CE exam following a failure. A student is enrolled in Directed Study upon the recommendation of a representative of the Office of the Dean and/or the Promotions Committee. At the initiation of the course, the student is required to meet with a representative of the Office of the Dean to review their study strategy. A faculty COMCoach is assigned to work with the student for the duration of the Directed Study period. The student is expected to communicate with their COMCoach on a weekly basis to establish a study plan and then to assess progress so alterations to the approach can be made if necessary. Completion of a timed COMSAE examination is a course requirement. Enrollment in Directed Study does not contribute to the minimum number of Elective Rotation weeks required for graduation, nor does it replace any other graduation requirement.