CLIND 1810: Directed Study

Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine
Credits 6.0
Remedial Course for COMLEX-USA Exam Retakes Directed Study is a mandatory Pass/Fail four-week course which affords a student time for focused study to prepare to retake the COMLEX-USA Level 1 or Level 2 CE exam following a failure. A student is enrolled in Directed Study upon the recommendation of a representative of the Office of the Dean and/or the Promotions Committee. At the initiation of the course, the student is required to meet with a representative of the Office of the Dean to review their study strategy. A faculty COMCoach is assigned to work with the student for the duration of the Directed Study period. The student is expected to communicate with their COMCoach on a weekly basis to establish a study plan and then to assess progress so alterations to the approach can be made if necessary. Completion of a timed COMSAE examination is a course requirement. Enrollment in Directed Study does not contribute to the minimum number of Elective Rotation weeks required for graduation, nor does it replace any other graduation requirement.