Articulation Agreements

Articulation Agreement with Benedictine University's Master of Science in Integrative Physiology Program

CCO will offer guaranteed interviews to students enrolled in Benedictine University's Master of Science in Integrative Physiology (M.S.I.P.) Program who apply as a traditional applicant to CCO and who satisfy these requirements: 

  1. Must meet all admission requirements of CCO.
  2. Must submit a completed application to OptomCAS by April 1 for enrollment at CCO in Fall Quarter immediately following the completion of the M.S.I.P. Program.
  3. Have an M.S.I.P. program GPA of at least 3.5 (out of 4.0) at the time of application to CCO.
  4. Have completed all courses in the M.S.I.P. Program with a minimum grade of C or higher.
  5. Have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher, including courses taken before and during the M.S.I.P. Program.
  6. Provide OAT scores showing a Minimum Academic Average and Total Science scores of 300 each. OAT test scores must be earned no more than 5 years prior to the planned enrollment year.
  7. Submit two letters of recommendation. One letter must be from a practicing optometrist. The other letter must be from the Director of the M.S.I.P. Program.
  8. Demonstrate a good understanding of optometric medicine. Candidates are strongly encouraged to shadow and observe a number of practicing optometrists in the clinical setting.
  9. Demonstrate a commitment to service through extracurricular and/or community activities.

Articulation Agreement with DePaul University's Pathway Honors Program

CCO will offer guaranteed interviews to students enrolled in DePaul University's Pathway Honors program who apply as a traditional applicant to CCO and who satisfy these requirements: 

  1. Must meet all admissions requirements of CCO
  2. Must submit a completed application to OptomCAS by April 1 for enrollment at CCO in the Fall Quarter immediately following the completion of the baccalaureate degree at DePaul.
  3. Have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher (for all courses) at the time of application to Midwestern University.
  4. Have no final course grade less than a "C" in the Pathways Honors program.
  5. Complete the Optometry Admission Test (OAT) within the last 5 years with minimum Academic Average and Total Science scores of 300.
  6. Submit two letters of recommendation. One must be from a practicing optometrist.
  7. Demonstrate good understanding of optometric medicine. Candidates are strongly encouraged to shadow and observe a number of practicing optometrists in the clinical setting.
  8. Demonstrate a commitment to service through extracurricular and/or community activities.